History of High Performance Computing in Cambridge
2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999-1996
Department of Physics
- C-K Skylaris, P D Haynes, A A Mostofi & M C Payne,
Introducing ONETEP: Linear-scaling density functional simulations on
parallel computers,
J. Chem. Phys. 122, 084119 (2005).
Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
- M Spivack, J Ogilvy & C Sillence,
Left-right splitting for electromagnetic scattering in 3D,
IEE Proc Computational Electromagnetics 2004 (CEM04), Stratford-upon-Avon.
- M Spivack, J Ogilvy & C Sillence,
Electromagnetic scattering by large complex scatterers in 3D
, IEE Proceedings Science, Measurement & Technology (2004) in press.
M Spivack, Electromagnetic signature analysis and applications
, Proceedings SPIE — Int. Soc. Opt. Eng. (2004) in press.
Department of Chemistry
G K-L Chan, Large scale Density Matrix Renormalization Group
Calculations for the electronic Schroedinger equation, J. Chem. Phys.
120, 3172 (2004).
G K-L Chan, M Kallay & Juergen Gauss, State-of-the-art Density Matrix
Renormalization Group and Coupled Cluster theory studies of the nitrogen
binding curve, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 6110 (2004).
S Yamagishi, S J Jenkins & D A King,
Driving forces for self-organised coadsorption:
C6H6/2O and C6H6/2CO on Ni{111},
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 10962 (2004).
V A Ranea, A Michaelides, R Ramirez, J A Verges, P L de Andres
& D A King,
A DFT study of the interaction of monomeric water with the Ag{111} surface,
Phys. Rev. B 69, 205411 (2004).
Z-P Liu, S J Jenkins & D A King,
Why is silver catalytically active for NO reduction?
a unique pathway via an inverted (NO)2 dimer,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 7336 (2004).
V A Ranea, A Michaelides, R Ramirez, J A Verges, P L de Andres
& D A King,
Water dimer diffusion on Pd{111} assisted by H-bond
donor-acceptor tunnelling exchange,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 136104 (2004).
A Michaelides, A Alavi & D A King,
Insight into H2O-ice adsorption and dissociation on metal surfaces
from first principles simulations,
Phys. Rev. B 69, 113404 (2004).
A Michaelides, V A Ranea, P L de Andres & D A King,
A first principles study of H2O diffusion on a metal surface:
H2O on Al{100},
Phys. Rev. B 69, 075409 (2004)
Department of Earth Sciences
Kostya Trachenko, M T Dove, T Geisler, I Todorov & W Smith, Radiation
damage effects and percolation theory, J. Phys.: Condens. Mat. 16, S2623 (2004).
Kostya Trachenko, M Pruneda, M T Dove & E Artacho, Radiation
damage effects in perovskite, CaTiO3, and resistance to amorphization,
Phys. Rev. B, in press.
Kostya Trachenko, E Artacho & M T Dove,
Resistance to amorphization by radiation damage and covalent networks,
Kostya Trachenko, M T Dove, M Pruneda, E Artacho, E Salje, T
Geisler, I Todorov & B Smith, Radiation-induced structural changes,
percolation effects and resistance to amorphization by radiation damage,
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 792, R6.2.1 (2004).
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
- R Astala & P. D. Bristowe, Ab initio calculations of doping mechanisms in SrTiO3, Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 12, 79 (2004).
Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute
- M Gilchrist, A M Zorn, J Voigt, J C Smith, N Papalopulu & E Amaya,
Defining a large set of full length clones from
a Xenopus tropicalis EST project,
Developmental Biology 271, 498-516 (2004).
Department of Physics
L Colombi Ciacchi & M C Payne,
The entry pathway of O2 into human ferritin
, Chem. Phys. Lett. 390 491-495 (2004).
L Colombi Ciacchi & M C Payne,
"Hot-atom" O2 dissociation and oxide nucleation on Al(111)
, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 176104 (2004).
N D Drummond, Z Radnai, J R Trail, M D Towler & R J Needs,
Diffusion quantum Monte Carlo study of three-dimensional Wigner crystals
, Phys. Rev. B, 69, 085116 (2004).
J R Yates, C J Pickard, M C Payne, R Dupree, M Profeta & F Mauri,
Theoretical Investigation of Oxygen-17 NMR Shielding and Electric Field Gradients in Glutamic Acid Polymorphs
, J. Phys. Chem. A.; 2004 (in press); DOI: 10.1021/jp049362+
Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
D Galletly, M Gürtler, R Horsley, B Joo, AD Kennedy, H Perlt, PEL
Rakow, G Schierholz, A Schiller and T Streuer,Quark spectra and light hadron phenomenology from overlap
fermions with improved gauge field actionto be published in Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. (2003)hep-lat/0310028,
- J. Shigetmitsu, S. Collins, C.T.H. Davies, J. Hein, G.P. Lepage
Semileptonic B Decays from an NRQCD/D234 action
3 pages, Nucl. Phys. Suppl. 119 (2003) 629-631, hep-lat/0208062
M Spivack, A Usher, X Yang, & M Hayes,
Visualisation and grid applications of electromagetic scattering from
aircraft' Proceedings AHM03, Nottingham, ISBN.
Department of Chemistry
- Alexander Y. Lozovoi and Ali Alavi
Reconstruction of charged surfaces: General trends and a case study
of Pt(110) and Au(110) Phys. Rev. B 68 , 245416, (2003).
- A. Michaelides, M-L Bouquet, P. Sautet, A. Alavi and D.A. King ,
Structural and thermodynamic phase transitions for oxygen and silver
oxide phases on Ag{111}
Chem. Phys. Lett., 367 , 344, (2003).
A. Michaelides, Z-P Liu, C.J. Zhang, Ali Alavi, D.A. King and P. Hu ,
General linear relationships between activation energies and
enthalpy changes for reactions at surfaces
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125 , 3704, (2003).
- Angelos Michaelides, Ali Alavi and D. A. King
Different surface chemistries of water on Ru(0001): from monolayer
adsorption to partially dissociated bilayers
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125 , 2746, (2003).
- M-L Bouquet, A. Michaelides, D Loffreda, Ali Alavi and D. A. King ,
New insight into ethylene epoxidation on two oxidized Ag{111}
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125 , 5620, (2003).
- A. Michaelides, P. Hu, M.-H. Lee, A. Alavi and D.A. King ,
Resolution of an ancient surface science anomaly: Work function
change induced by N adsorption on W{100}
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 , 246103, (2003).
Z.-P. Liu, S.J. Jenkins and D.A. King
Step-enhanced selectivity of NO reduction on platinum group metals
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 14660 (2003)
S. Yamagishi, S.J. Jenkins and D.A. King
First-principles studies of chemisorbed O on Ni{111}
Surf. Sci. 543, 12 (2003)
M.-L. Bocquet, A. Michaelides, P. Sautet and D.A. King
Initial stages in the oxidation and reduction of the (4x4) surface-oxide
phase on Ag{111}: a combined DFT and STM simulation study
Phys. Rev. B 68 075413 (2003)
A.D. Karmazyn, V. Fiorin, S.J. Jenkins and D.A. King
First-principles theory and microcalorimetry of CO adsorption on the
{211} surfaces of Pt and Ni
Surf. Sci. 538, 171 (2003)
S.J. Jenkins and D.A. King
Theory of K/NO phase mixing, separation and catalytic promoter activity
on Co{10(-1)0}
Surf. Sci. 529, 312 (2003)
A. Michaelides, V.A. Ranea, P.L. de Andres and D.A. King
A general model for water monomer adsorption on close-packed transition
and noble metal surfaces
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 216102 (2003)
S. Yamagishi, S.J. Jenkins and D.A. King
A tilt-dependent diffusional potential energy surface: benzyne on Ir{100}
Chem. Phys. Lett. 367, 116 (2003)
Computer Laboratory
Tim Harris and Keir Fraser,Language support for lightweight transactionsproceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
- Tim Harris, Keir Fraser and Ian Pratt,A Practical Multi-Word
Compare-and-Swap Operation Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Symposium
on Distributed Computing / Volume 2508 of Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, October 2002
- Keir Fraser Practical Lock-Freedom
PhD dissertation, September 2003
- Tim Harris Design choices for language-based transactions,
Technical Report UCAM-CL-TR-572, August 2003
Department of Earth Sciences
- K Trachenko, MT Dove and EKH Salje.
Large swelling and percolation in irradiated zircon.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, L1-L7, 2003
- M Calleja, MT Dove, and EKH Salje EKH.
Trapping of oxygen vacancies on twin walls of CaTiO3: a computer simulation study.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 15, 2301-2307, 2003
- K Trachenko and MT Dove.
Compressibility, kinetics, and phase transition in pressurized amorphous silica.
Physical Review B 67, 064107 (11 pages), 2003
- CI Sainz-Diaz, EJ Palin, MT Dove and A Hernendez-Laguna.
Monte Carlo simulations of ordering of Al, Fe, and Mg cations in the octahedral sheet of smectites and illites.
American Mineralogist, 88, 1033-1045, 2003
- EJ Palin, MT Dove, SAT Redfern, CI Sainz-Diaz and WT Lee
Computational study of tetrahedral Al-Si and octahedral Al-Mg ordering in phengite.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 30, 293-304, 2003
- K Trachenko, and MT Dove.
The intermediate state in pressurised silica glass: reversibility window analogue.
Physical Review B 67, 212203, 2003
- T Geisler, K Trachenko, S Rios, MT Dove and EKH Salje.
Impact of self-irradiation damage on the aqueous durability of zircon (ZrSiO4): implications for its suitability as a nuclear waste form.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15, L597-L605, 2003
- K Trachenko, MT Dove and EKH Salje.
Reply to comment on Large swelling and percolation in irradiated zircon.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 15, 6457-6471, 2003
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
- H. S. Domingos and P. D. Bristowe, "On the stability of Met-Car analogue clusters in the solid state", J. Phys.: Cond. Matt., 15, 4341 (2003)
- R. Astala and P. D. Bristowe, "The properties of a Na-doped twist boundary in SrTiO3 from first principles", Mat. Res. Soc. Proc., 751, Z3.23.1 (2003)
Department of Physics
Chris J. Pickard and Francesco Mauri
Nonlocal pseudopotentials and magnetic fields
Physical Review Letters 91, 96401, 2003
- Probert MIJ, Payne MC
Improving the convergence of defect calculations in supercells: An ab initio study of the neutral silicon vacancy
PHYS REV B 67 (7): art. no. 075204, 2003
- Nevidomskyy AH, Csanyi G, Payne MC
Chemically active substitutional nitrogen impurity in carbon nanotubes
PHYS REV LETT 91 (10): art. no. 105502, 2003
Jonathan R. Yates, Chris J. Pickard, Mike C. Payne, and Francesco Mauri,
Relativistic NMR chemical shifts of heavy nuclei with pseudopotentials
and the zeroth order regular approximation.
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 118:5746-5753, 2003.
- Ryo Maezono, M.D. Towler, Y. Lee and R.J. Needs Quantum Monte Carlo study of sodium Phys. Rev. B 68, 165103 (2003)
- O.K. Al-Mushadani and R.J. Needs, Free-energy calculations of intrinsic point defects in siliconPhys. Rev. B 68, 235205 (2003)
- J.R. Trail, M.D. Towler and R.J. Needs
Unrestricted Hartree-Fock theory of Wigner crystals
Phys. Rev. B 68, 045107 (2003)
- Jonathan Yates, First Principles Calculation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Parameters PhD dissertation, 2003
Strangeways Research Laboratory
- Antoniou AC, Pharoah PDP, MacMullan G, Day NE, Stratton MR, Peto J, Ponder BAJ, Easton DF
A comprehensive model for familial breast cancer incorporating BRCA1
and BRCA2 and other genes Brit. J. Cancer 86:76-83
- Paul D.P. Pharoah, Antonis Antoniou, Martin Bobrow, Ron L. Zimmern,
Douglas F. Easton, Bruce A.J. Ponder Polygenic susceptibility to breast cancer and implications for preventionNature Genetics31, 33 - 36 (01 May 2002)
Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
- J. Shigetmitsu, S. Collins, C.T.H. Davies, J. Hein, G.P. Lepage
Semileptonic B Decays from an NRQCD/D234 action
15 pages, Phys. Rev. D66 (2002) 074506, hep-lat/0207011
M. Spivack, Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of
Radar Absorbent Materials, BAE Systems Research Report,
(Dec 2002).
M. Spivack, J. Ogilvy & C. Sillence,
Electromagnetic propagation in a curved 2-dimensional waveguide,
Waves in Random Media 12 (2002) 47-62.
Department of Chemistry
- David Thompson and Ali Alavi
Two electrons in a hard spherical box: an exact diagonalization study
Phys. Rev. B., 66 , 235118, (2002).
- L. Delle Site, C. Abrams, Ali Alavi, and K. Kremer
Polymers near metal surfaces: Selective adsorption and global conformations ,
Phys. Rev. Lett., 89 , 156103, (2002).
S. Yamagishi, S.J. Jenkins and D.A. King
Origin and consequences of aromatic back-bonding at a transition
metal surface: benzyne on Ir{100}
J. Chem. Phys. 117, 819 (2002)
A. Michaelides, M.-L. Bocquet, P. Sautet, A. Alavi and D.A. King
Structures and thermodynamic phase transitions for oxygen and
silver oxide phases on Ag{111}
Chem. Phys. Lett. 367, 344 (2002)
S.J. Jenkins and D.A. King
Theory of CO adsorption on Co{10(-1)0}
Surf. Sci. 504, 138 (2002)
Department of Earth Sciences
- KO Trachenko and MT Dove.
Floppy modes in silica glass under pressure.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14, 1143-1152, 2002
- KO Trachenko, MT Dove and V Heine.
Origin of the T1 dependence of heat capacity of glasses at low temperature.
Physical Review B 65, 092201 (4 pages), 2002
- EJ Palin, KO Trachenko and MT Dove.
Computer simulation study of low-energy excitations in aluminosilicate glasses.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14, 4857-4879, 2002
- KO Trachenko MT Dove and EKH Salje.
Structural changes in zircon under irradiation by high-energy atomic recoils.
Physical Review B 65, 180102 (R, 3 pages), 2002
- K Trachenko and MT Dove.
On the densification of silica glass under pressure.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 14, 7449-7459, 2002
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
- R. Astala and P. D. Bristowe, "First principles calculations of niobium substitution in strontium titanate", J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 14, L149 (2002)
- R. Astala and P. D. Bristowe, "First principles calculations of an oxygen deficient ? = 3 (111) [10 1] grain boundary in strontium titanate", J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 14, 6455 (2002)
- R. Astala and P. D. Bristowe, "A computational study of twist boundary structures in SrTiO3", J. Phys.: Cond. Matt., 14, 13635 (2002)
- R. Astala and P. D. Bristowe, "The structure and stability of twist boundaries in SrTiO3 from first principles", Mat. Res. Soc. Proc. 718, 77 (2002)
Department of Physics
- C.J. PICKARD and F. MAURI First principles theory of the EPR g-tensor
in solids: defects in quartz Phys. Rev. Letters 88, 86403-86406 (2002).
- Michel Cote, Peter D. Haynes and Carla Molteni,
Material design from first principles: the case of boron nitride
J. Phys. Condens. Matter 14, 9997-10009 (2002)
- R.J. Needs, P.R.C. Kent, A.R. Porter, M.D. Towler, and G. Rajagopal
Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations for Ground and Excited States
Int. J. Quant. Chem. 86, 218 (2002)
Strangeways Research Laboratory
Antoniou AC, Pharoah PDP, MacMullan G, Day NE, Ponder BAJ, Easton DF
Evidence for further breast cancer susceptibility genes in addition
to BRCA1 and BRCA2 in a population based study. Genet Epidemiol
Computer Laboratory
- Tim Harris A Pragmatic Implementation of Non-Blocking Linked Lists,
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Symposium on Distributed Computing /
Volume 2180 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
October 2001
Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
- I.T. Drummond, N.A. Goodman, R.R. Horgan, H.P. Shanahan and L.C. Storoni
Spin Effects in Heavy Hybrid Mesons on an Anisotropic Lattice
Phys. Lett. B478 (2000) 151-160, hep-lat/9912041
- M. Alford, I.T. Drummond, R.R. Horgan and M. Peardon
Measuring the Aspect Ratio Renormalisation of Anisotropic-Lattice Gluons
Phys. Rev. D63 (2001) 074501, hep-lat/0003019
- D.S. Dean and I.T. Drummond
The Effect of Helicity on the Effective Diffusivity for Incompressible
Random Flows 29 pages, Phys. Rev. E63 (2001) 061205, cond-mat/0012357
- S. Collins, C.T.H. Davies, J. Heim, G.P. Lepage and J. Shigemitsu
Comparison Studies of Finite Momentum Correlators on Anisotropic and
Isotropic Lattices 43 pages, Phys. Rev. D64 (2001) 055002, hep-lat/0101019
M. Spivack, A. Keen, J. Ogilvy & C. Sillence,
Validation of left-right method for scattering by
a rough surface, J Modern Optics 48 (2001) 1021-1033.
Y. Hatziioannou & M. Spivack,
Electromagnetic scattering by refractive index variations over a rough
conducting surface,
J Modern Optics 48 (2001) 1151-1160.
Department of Chemistry
Alexander Y. Lozovoi, Ali Alavi, J. Kohanoff, and R. M. Lynden-Bell,
Ab initio simulation of charged slabs at constant chemical potential.
J. Chem. Phys., 115, 1661-1669, (2001).
S.J. Jenkins, Q. Ge and D.A. King
Covalent origin of adsorbate-induced demagnetisation at ferromagnetic
Phys. Rev. B 64, 012413 (2001)
Department of Earth Sciences
KO Trachenko, MT Dove and EKH Salje.
Atomistic modelling of radiation damage in zircon.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 13, 1947-1959, 2001
A Bosenick, MT Dove, ER Myers, EJ Palin, CI Sainz-Diaz, B Guiton, MC Warren, MS Craig and SAT Redfern.
Computational methods for the study of energies of cation distributions: applications to cation-ordering phase transitions and solid solutions.
Mineralogical Magazine 65, 193-219, 2001
MC Warren, MT Dove, ER Myers, A Bosenick, EJ Palin, CI Sainz-Diaz, B Guiton and SAT Redfern.
Monte Carlo methods for the study of cation ordering in minerals.
Mineralogical Magazine 65, 221-248, 2001
CI Sainz-Diaz, A Hernandez-Laguna and MT Dove.
Modelling of dioctahedral 2:1 phyllosilicates by means of transferable empirical potential.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28, 130-141, 2001
A Bosenick, MT Dove, V Heine and CA Geiger.
Scaling of thermodynamic mixing properties in garnet solid solution minerals.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28, 177-187, 2001
MT Dove.
Computer simulations of solid solutions.
In Solid Solutions in Silicate and Oxide Systems (EMU Notes in Mineralogy, volume 3), ed. CA Geiger, (Eötvös University Press, Budapest), pp 225-250, 2001
EJ Palin, MT Dove, SAT Redfern, A Bosenick, CI Sainz-Diaz and MC Warren.
Computational study of tetrahedral Al-Si ordering in muscovite.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 28, 534-544, 2001
M Calleja, MT Dove and EKH Salje.
Anisotropic ionic transport in quartz: the effect of twin boundaries.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13, 9445-9454, 2001
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
- J. A. Chisholm and P. D. Bristowe, "Ab initio study of the effect of doping on stacking faults in GaN", J. Crystal Growth 230, 432 (2001)
- R. Astala and P. D. Bristowe, "Ab initio and classical simulations of defects in SrTiO3", Comp. Mat. Sci. 22, 81 (2001)
- H. S. Domingos and P. D. Bristowe, "Electronic structure of twist grain boundaries in ZnO and the effect of Sb doping", Comp. Mat. Sci. 22, 38 (2001)
- J. A. Chisholm and P. D. Bristowe, "Formation energies of metal impurities in GaN", Comp. Mat. Sci. 22, 73 (2001)
- J. A. Chisholm and P. D. Bristowe, "The electrical activity of GaN doped with transition metal impurities", Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 9, 249 (2001)
- R. Astala and P. D. Bristowe, "Ab initio study of the oxygen vacancy in SrTiO3", Modelling Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 9, 415 (2001)
- J. A. Chisholm and P. D. Bristowe, "Computational study of the effect of Al and In on the formation energies and acceptor levels of Mg and C dopants in GaN", J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 13 8875 (2001)
Department of Physics
- C. MOLTENI, R. MARTONAK and M. PARRINELLO First principles molecular
dynamics simulations of pressure-induced structural transformations in
silicon clusters J. Chem. Phys. 114, 5358-5365 (2001).
- C. MOLTENI, I. FRANK and M. PARRINELLO Modelling photoreactions in
proteins by density functional theory Comp. Mat. Sci. 20, 311-317 (2001).
- A. M. Robinson and C. H. W. Barnes Classical dynamics of electrons in
quantized-acoustoelectric-current devices PRB 63 165418 (2001).
- M.H.Szymanska, P.B.Littlewood, and R.J.Needs, Excitons in T-shaped
quantum wires, Physical Review B, vol. 63, 205317-30, 2001.
- J. Rubio, L. Pfeiffer, M.H. Szymanska, A. Pinczuk, S. He, H.U. Baranger,
P.B. Littlewood, K.W. West, and B.S. Dennis, Coexistence of excitonic
lasing with electron-hole plasma spontaneous emission in one-dimensional
semiconductor structures, Solid State Commun., vol. 119, p.271, 2001.
- M. COTE, P.D. HAYNES and C. MOLTENI Boron Nitride polymers: new
building blocks for organic electronic devices Phys. Rev. B 63,
125207-1-125207-4 (2001).
- M. Nekovee, W.M.C. Foulkes, and R.J. Needs
Quantum Monte Carlo Analysis of Exchange and Correlation in the Strongly
Inhomogeneous Electron Gas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 036401 (2001)
- A.R. Porter, M.D. Towler, and R.J. Needs
Excitons in Small Hydrogenated Si Clusters
Phys. Rev. B 64, 035320 (2001)
- A.R. Porter, O.K. Al-Mushadani, M.D. Towler, and R.J. Needs
Electronic excited-state wave functions for quantum Monte Carlo:
Application to silane and methane
J. Chem. Phys. 114, 7795 (2001)
- R. Gaudoin, M. Nekovee, W.M.C. Foulkes, R.J. Needs, and G. Rajagopal
Inhomogeneous Random Phase Approximation and Many-Electron Trial Wave
Phys. Rev. B 63, 115115 (2001)
- A. Mujica, S. Radescu, A. Munoz, and R.J. Needs
High-pressure phases of germanium
J. Phys.: Condensed Matter 13, 35 (2001)
- W.M.C. Foulkes, L. Mitas, R.J. Needs, and G. Rajagopal
Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of Solids
Rev. Mod. Phys. 73, 33 (2001)
- A. Mujica, S. Radescu, A. Munoz, and R.J. Needs
Comparative study of novel structures in silicon and germanium
Physica Status Solidi (b) 223, 379 (2001)
Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics
M. Spivack, Radar propagation in 3-dimensional waveguides
BAE Systems Research Report (Dec 2000)
Department of Biochemistry
Prediction of membrane protein structure based on silent
amino-acid substitutions. A model for the CD3
Brigss, J.A.G., Torres, J., Kukol, A. & Arkin, I.T. Nature
Struct Biol. Submitted (2000)
13C=18O, a novel spectroscopic probe for proteins of
virtually any size: site specific determination of secondary structure
and orientation.
Torres, J., Kukol, A. & Arkin, I.T.
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. Submitted (2000)
The use of a single glycine residue to determine the tilt and
orientation of a transmembrane helix. A new structural label for
infrared spectroscopy.
Torres, J., Kukol, A. & Arkin, I.T.
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. Submitted (2000)
Determination of the structure of phospholamban in a lipid
bilayer. Spatial restraints resolve the ambiguity arising from
interpretations of mutagenesis data.
Torres, J., Adams, P.D. & Arkin, I.T.
J. Mol. Biol. Submitted (2000)
Mapping the energy surface of transmembrane helix-helix
Torres, J., Kukol, A. & Arkin, I.T.
Biophys. J. Submitted (2000)
Recursive use of evolutionary conservation data in molecular
modeling of membrane proteins: A model of the multidrug H antiporter EmrE.
Torres, J. & Arkin, I.T.
Eur. J. Bioch. in press (2000)
Turning an opinion inside-out: Rees and Eisenberg's
commentary (Prot. Struct. Func. Gen. 2000,38:121-2) on Are membrane
proteins inside-out proteins? (Prot. Struct. Func. Gen. 1999,36:135-43).
Stevens, T.J. & Arkin, I.T.
Prot. Struct. Func. Gen. in press (2000)
Do more complex organisms have a greater proportion of membrane
Stevens, T.J. & Arkin, I.T.
Proteins Struct Func Gen. in press (2000)
Genomic AT bias and transmembrane hydrophobicity
Stevens, T.J. & Arkin, I.T. Proteins Science. In press (2000)
Structure of the Influenza C CM2 protein transmembrane
domain obtained by site-specific infrared dichroism and global molecular
dynamics searching.
Kukol, A. & Arkin, I.T. J. Biol. Chem. 275:4225-4229 (2000)
Exploring models of the Influenza A M2 channel - MD
simulation in a phospholipid bilayer.
Forrest, L.R., Kukol, A., Arkin, I.T., Tieleman, D.P. & Sansom, M.S.P.
Biophys J. 78:55-69. (2000)
Structure of Cdc42 bound to the GTPase binding domain
of PAK, Morreale, A., Venkatessan, M., Mott, H.R., Owen, D.,
Nitlispach, D., Lowe P.N. and Laue, E.D.
Nature Structural Biology Volume 7(5), 384-388 (2000)
Department of Chemistry
- Adsorbate/substrate bonding in elucidated through first-principles theory,
Jenkins SJ, King DA, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 2000, 317, pp. 372-380
Q. Ge, S.J. Jenkins and D.A. King
Surface magnetic localisation at the atomic scale: CO chemisorbed on Ni{110}
Chem. Phys. Lett. 327, 125 (2000)
- A role for molecular polarisation in catalytic promotion: CO co-adsorbed with K on Co{10
- New Generalized Gradient Approximation Functionals,
A. D. Boese, N. L. Doltsinis, N. C. Handy, and M. Sprik,
J. Chem. Phys. 112, 1670 (2000).
- Computation of electronic chemical potentials using free
energy density functionals, R. Vuilleumier, M. Sprik, and
A. Alavi, Journal of Molecular Structure
(2000, in press).
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
- J. A. Chisholm and P. D. Bristowe, "Stacking fault energies in Si doped GaN: a first principles study", Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 534 (2000)
Department of Physics
- B.C. Allanach , J.P.J. Hetherington, M.A. Parker, B.R. Webber
JHEP 0008:017,2000
- Peter D. Haynes and Michel Cote,
Parallel fast Fourier transforms for electronic structure calculations,
Comput. Phys. Commun. 130, 130-136
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- Y. Lee, P.R.C. Kent, M.D. Towler, R.J. Needs, and G. Rajagopal
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- M.D. Towler, Randolph Q. Hood, and R.J. Needs
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- K.C. Huang, R.J. Needs, and G. Rajagopal
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- R. Haydock, Convergent method for calculatiing the properties
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- K.E. Novik and P.V. Coveney, Spinodal decomposition of
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- K. L. Anderson and G. Goldbeck-Wood, Simulation of thickening
growth in polymer crystallization, Polymer, in press (2000).
- J. A. Elliott and A.H. Windle, A dissipative particle dynamics
method for modelling the geometrical packing of filler particles in polymer
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Department of Earth Sciences
- M.C. Warren, S.A.T. Redfern, and M.T. Dove.
Ab initio simulations of cation ordering in oxides:
application to spinel.
J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 12 L43-L48 (2000).
MT Dove, AKA Pryde and DA Keen.
Phase transitions in tridymite studied using Rigid Unit Mode theory, Reverse Monte Carlo methods and molecular dynamics simulations.
Mineralogical Magazine 64, 267-283, 2000
MC Warren, MT Dove and SAT Redfern.
Disordering of MgAl2O4 spinel from first principles.
Mineralogical Magazine 64, 311-317, 2000
K Trachenko, MT Dove and E Salje.
Modelling the percolation type transition in radiation damage.
Journal of Applied Physics 87, 7702-7707, 2000
MT Dove, KD Hammonds, MJ Harris, V Heine, DA Keen, AKA Pryde, K Trachenko and MC Warren.
Amorphous silica from the Rigid Unit Mode approach.
Mineralogical Magazine 64, 377-388, 2000
A Bosenick, MT Dove and CA Geiger.
Simulation studies of pyrope-grossular solid solutions.
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 27, 398-418, 2000
MT Dove, A Bosenick, ER Myers, MC Warren, and SAT Redfern.
Modelling in relation to cation ordering.
Phase Transitions 71, 205-226, 2000
KO Trachenko, MT Dove, MJ Harris and V Heine.
Dynamics of silica glass: Two-level tunneling states and low-energy floppy modes.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 12, 8041-8064, 2000
MT Dove, KO Trachenko, MG Tucker and DA Keen.
Rigid Unit Modes in framework structures: theory, experiment and applications.
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 39, 1-33, 2000
Department of Engineering
A.C.Palmer, A.M.Britto, B.Muhunthan, A.Thurairajah,
The Engineering Faculty of University of Peradeniya jubilee Congress
June 29,30,July 1 of 2000
N.Rycroft, A..M.Savill and W.N.Dawes, Towards Accurate
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Reducing Bottlenecks in the CAD-to-Mesh-to-Solution Cycle Time to Allow
CFD to Participate in Design, ASME Gas Turbine Expo Conference, Munich
(2000) and to appear in J.Turbomachinery (2000).
P.Birkby, R.S.Cant and A.M.Savill, The Application of a Laminar
Flamelet Model to Confined Explosion Hazards, To appear in
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K.W.Jenkins, R.S.Cant,Flame turbulence Interaction Studies Using
Parallel DNS, Submitted to 28th Int Symposium on Combustion, Edinburgh,
Modelling of injection in sand,
S W Lee, M D Bolton, R J Mair, K Soga, G R Dasari, and T Hagiwara,
Proceedings of International Conference on Tunnels and Underground
Structures (ICTUS 2000), 26-29 November 2000, Singapore.
Department of Physics
- A. Williamson, G.Rajagopal, R.J. Needs, L. Fraser,
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- R.J. Needs, G. Rajagopal, A.J. Williamson, L.M. Fraser, S.D. Kenny,
W.M.C. Foulkes, A.J. James, and P. Maccallum Quantum Monte
Carlo studies of electronic systems , J. Korean Physical Society
29, S116-S120 (1996)
- S.D. Kenny, G.Rajagopal, R.J. Needs, A.J. Williamson, W-K Leung, L.M.
Fraser, W.M.C. Foulkes and M.J. Godfrey, Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of Relativistic
Corrections to the Energy of the Homogeneous Electron Gas.,
Physical Review Letters, 77 1099 (1996).
- A.J. Williamson, G.Rajagopal, R.J. Needs, L.M. Fraser, W.M.C. Foulkes
Y. Wang and M.-Y. Chou, Elimination of Coulomb finite size effects
in quantum many-body simulations., Physical Review B55 R4867 (1997).
- R.Q. Hood, M.-Y. Chou, A.J. Williamson, G.Rajagopal, R.J. Needs, W.M.C.
Foulkes Quantum Monte Carlo Investigation of Exchange and Correlation
in Silicon., Physical Review Letters 78, 3350, 1997.
- R.Q. Hood, M.-Y. Chou, A.J. Williamson, G. Rajagopal, and R.J. Needs,
Exchange and correlation in silicon.
Physical Review B 57 , 8972, (1998).
- A.J. Williamson, R.Q. Hood, R.J. Needs, G. Rajagopal
Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo Calculation of the excited states
of Silicon, Physical Review B 57 , 12140, (1998).
- P.R.C. Kent, R.Q. Hood, M.D. Towler, R.J. Needs and G. Rajagopal,
Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of the one-body density matrix
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- P.R.C. Kent, R.Q. Hood, A.J. Williamson, R.J. Needs,
W.M.C. Foulkes and G. Rajagopal Finite size errors in quantum
many-body simulations of extended systems,
Physical Review B59, 1917 (1998).
- P.R.C. Kent, R.J. Needs and G. Rajagopal.
Monte Carlo energy and variance minimization techniques
for optimizing many-body wave functions,
Physical Review B59, 12344, (1999).
- W.K. Leung, R.J. Needs, G. Rajagopal, S. Itoh and S. Ihara
Calculations of Silicon Self-Interstitials Defects,
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- W.M.C. Foulkes, R.Q. Hood, and R.J. Needs, Symmetry
Constraints and Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo Calculations of
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Physical Review B60, 4558, (1999).
- W.M.C. Foulkes, L. Mitas, R.J. Needs and G. Rajagopal,
Quantum Monte Carlo simulations of Solids,
accepted for publication in Reviews Of Modern Physics.
- N. Marzari, David Vanderbilt, and M.C. Payne, Ensemble
density-functional theory for ab-initio molecular dynamics of metals
and finite-temperature insulators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79,
1337 (1997).
- C. Molteni, N. Marzari, M.C. Payne, and V. Heine, Sliding
mechanisms in aluminum grain boundaries, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79,
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- N. Marzari, D. Vanderbilt, Alessandro De Vita, and M.C. Payne,
Thermal contraction and disordering of the Al(110) surface,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3296 (1999).
- First-principles calculation of the energy and structure
of two solid surface phases on Ir100, Q. Ge, D.A. King, N. Marzari,
and M.C. Payne, Surface Science 418 529 (1998).
- M.D. Segall, M.C. Payne, S.W. Ellis, G.T. Tucker, R.N. Boyes, An ab Initio Approach to the Understanding of Cytochrome P450 - Ligand
Interactions, Xenobiotica 28, 15-20 (1998)
- M.D. Segall, M.C. Payne, S.W. Ellis, G.T. Tucker, R.N. Boyes, First Principles Calculation of the Activity of Cytochrome P450,
Phys. Rev. E 57, 4618 (1998)
- M.D. Segall, M.C. Payne, S.W. Ellis, G.T. Tucker, R.N. Boyes,
Ab Initio Molecular Modeling in the Study of Drug Metabolism,
Eur. J. Drug Metab. Pharmacokin. 22, 283-289
- M.D. Segall, M.C. Payne, S.W. Ellis, G.T. Tucker, R.N. Boyes,
Evidence for Stabilisation of Low Spin State of Cytochrome
P450 due to Shortening of the Proximal Haem Bond, Chem. Res. Tox.
11 pp. 962-966
- M.D. Segall, M.C. Payne, S.W. Ellis, G.T. Tucker, P.J. Eddershaw,
First Principles Investigation of Singly-reduced Cytochrome P450,
Xenobiotica, 29, 561-571 (1999)
- (e,2e) processes with positive ion targets in coplanar
symmetric geometry
O. Rath Spivack,J. Rasch, Colm T. Whelan, R. J. Allan, H. R.
J. Walters, J. Phys. B, 31, 1998, p.845-858
- Influence of Coulomb boundary conditions for (e,2e) processes
on the K shell of high Z atoms,
L. U. Ancarani, S. Keller, H. Ast, Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters,
R.M. Dreizler, J. Phys. B 31, 1998, p. 609-623
- Gauge discrepancies in the calculation of
S. P. Lucey, J. Rasch, Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters, J. Phys.
B31, 1998, 1237-1258
- Second order effects in (e,2e) excitation-ionization of helium
to He+(n=2), P. J. Marchalant,
Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters, H R J, J. Phys. B 31, 1998, p.
- On the use of analytic ansatz 3 body wavefunctions in the
study of (e,2e) and related processes, S. P. Lucey, J. Rasch,
Colm T. Whelan, Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 1998, 455, 349-383
- On the numerical evaluation of a class of
integrals occuring in scattering problems,
J. Rasch, Colm T. Whelan, Comp. Phys. Commun., 101, 1997, p.31-46
- Strong interference effects in the TDCS of neutral atom
targets, J. Rasch, Colm T. Whelan,
R. J. Allan, S. P. Lucey, H. R. J. Walters, Phys. Rev. A56,
1997, p. 1379-1383
- On the numerical evaluation of six dimensional
integrals occuring in scattering problems,
J. Rasch, S. P. Lucey, Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters, Comp. Phys.
Commun., 101, 1997, 197-205
- On the Addition theorem for Jacobi polynomials, J. Rasch, in
Coincidence Studies of electron and photon impact ionisation,
Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters, edited, Plenum, 1997, p. 195-198
- An explanation of the structure observed in out-of-plane
symmetric measurements on Helium,
J. Rasch, Colm T. Whelan, R. J. Allan, H. R. J. Walters in
Coincidence Studies of electron and photon impact ionisation,
Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters, edited, Plenum, 1997, p. 195-194
- The normalisation of the experimental triple differential
cross section of
noble gas atoms in extreme asymmetric geometry, J. Rasch,
Colm T. Whelan, R. J. Allan,
H.R. J. Walters in Coincidence Studies of electron and photon impact
Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters, edited, Plenum, 1997, p. 305-318
- Bethe-ridge effects in (e,2e) on H- (using 6DIME),
S. P. Lucey, J. Rasch, Colm T. Whelan,
R. J. Allan, H. R. J. Walters in Coincidence Studies of electron and
photon impact ionisation, Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters,
edited, Plenum, 1997, p. 287-296
- Electron impact ionisation of hydrogenic ions in asymmetric
geometries, O. Rath-Spivack,
J. Rasch, Colm T. Whelan, R. J. Allan, H. R. J. Walters, in
Studies of electron and photon impact ionisation, Colm T. Whelan,
H. R. J. Walters, edited, Plenum, 1997, p. 279-286
- (e,2e) excitation-ionization and excitation autoionization of
helium, P. Marchalant,
Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters, in Coincidence Studies of Electron
and Photon Impact Ionization, Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters
Plenum, 1997, p. 21-44
- Electron impact ionization of hydogenic ions in asymmetric
geometry, O. Rath-Spivack, J. Rasch,
Colm T. Whelan, R. J. Allan, H. R. J. Walters, in Coincidence
Studies of Electron and Photon Impact Ionization, Colm T. Whelan,
H. R. J. Walters edited, Plenum, 1997, p. 279-286
- Progrss report on relativistic (e,2e) processes,
R. M. Dreizler, Colm T. Whelan,
H. R. J. Walters, H. Ast, S. Keller, in Coincidence Studies of
Electron and Photon
Impact Ionization, Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters edited,
Plenum, 1997, p. 199-206
- Coulomb boundary conditions for relativistic (e,2e) processes,
L. U. Ancarani,
S. Keller, H. Ast, Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters, R. M. Dreizler,
in Coincidence
Studies of Electron and Photon Impact Ionization, Colm T. Whelan,
H. R. J. Walters edited, Plenum, 1997, p. 215-220
- Structure of the triply differential cross section in the recoil region in relativistic electron impact
K.-H. Besch, T. Kull, M. Sauter, W. Nakel, H. Ast, S. Keller,
Colm T. Whelan, L. U.
Ancarani, H. R. J. Walters, in Coincidence Studies of Electron and
Photon Impact Ionization,
Colm T. Whelan, H. R. J. Walters edited, Plenum, 1997, p. 207-214
- A theoretical/experimental investigation of the
triple differential
cross section for electron impact ionization of Kr 4p and Xn 5p,
J. Rasch, M. Zitnik, L. Avaldi,
Colm T. Whelan, G. Stefani, R. Camilloni, R. J. Allan, H. R. J.
Walters, Phys. Rev. A56, 1997, p. 4644-4655
- Structure of the triply differential cross section in the recoil
region in relativistic electron impact ionization II.
Theoretical analysis, R. M. Dreizler, H. Ast, S. Keller,
Colm T. Whelan, L. U. Ancarani, H. R. J. Walters, J. Phys. B 30,
1997, p. L77-80
- Triple differential cross sections for the electron-impact
ionization of argon and neon,
S. Rioual, B. Rouvello, A. Pochat, J. Rasch, H. R. J. Walters,
Colm T. Whelan, R. J. Allan, J. Phys. B 30, 1997, p. L475-L480
- Spin dependence of (e,2e) collisions on lithium at 54.4 eV,
Streun M, Baum G, Blask W, Rasch J, Jones S, Madison D H, Walters H R J
and Whelan C T,(1998), J Phys B,31, 4401-4411
- Whelan C T and Rasch J (1999), Partial Wave Integrals, in High
Performance Computing edited by R J Allan et al, Plenum Press, 301-306
- Rasch J, Lucey SP, Whelan C T and Walters H R J,(1999) Application of
6DIME : on He,in High
Performance Computing edited by R J Allan et al
Plenum Press, 285-291
- Rasch J, Whelan C T, Lucey S P, Dal Capello C and Walters H R J
6 Dimensional Integrals and Supercomputers,
Computer Physics Communications (1999),114, 378-384
- Whelan C T
(e,2e) Processes in Whelan, Dreizler, Macek and Walters edited,
New Directions in Atomic Physics, Plenum, 87-104
- Essex D W and Whelan C T
On the use of the (e,2e) technique as a surface probe in Whelan
Dreizler, Macek and Walters , edited,
New Directions in Atomic Physics, Plenum, 315-318
- Essex D W and Whelan C T
On the scattering of charged particles from metalic surfaces
in Whelan et al, edited, New Directions in Atomic Physics, Plenum,
- Rasch J and Whelan C T
Characteristics of low energy (e,2e) processes
in Whelan et al, edited, New Directions in Atomic Physics, Plenum,
- Pinkás A A, Coplan M A, Moore J H, Jones S, Madison D H, Rasch
J, Whelan C T, Allan R J, and Walters H R J,
Triple differential cross sections for electron impact ionization of
Helium, Neon and Argon from 0.1 to 1 keV, theory and experiment compared
in Whelan et al, edited, New Directions in Atomic Physics, 319-332
- Marchalant P, Rasch J, Whelan C T and Walters H R J,
Electron impact ionization with two active target electrons
in Whelan et al, edited, New Directions in Atomic Physics, 355-360
- Keller S, Ast H, Anncarani L U, Whelan C T, Walters H R J and
Dreizler R M,
Remarks on the theory of 3 body effects in relativistic (e,2e)
processes, J Phys B, 1998, 31, L873-L876
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Whelan C T, Interpretation of relativistic (e,2e) experiments in
coplanar asymmetric geometry:atomic number dependent effects, Phys Rev A,
59, 1284-1290
- Nakel W and Whelan C T, Relativistic (e,2e) Processes,
Physics Reports,315, 409-471
- Essex D W, Nellist P and Whelan C T, (1999), Limitations of the
dipole approximation in calculations for the scanning transmission microscope
Ultra Micros, in press
- Rouvello B, Rioual S, Röder J, Pochat A, Rasch J, Whelan C T,
Walters H R J
and Allan R J, (1998), Coulomb three body effects in the electron
impact ionization of argon, Phys Rev A, [57 3621-3626
- Taouil I, Duguet A, Lahmam-Bennani A, Lohmann B, Rasch J,
Whelan C T and Walters H R J, (1999), (e,2e) ionization of the 2p
orbital of argon, J Phys B, 32, L5-L11
- Rasch J and Whelan C T, (1999), Three body effects in low
energy (e,2e) processes Proceedings of the 15th International Conference
on the Application of Accelerators
in Research and Industry, American Institute of Physics, 118-121
- Keller S, Ast H, Ancarani L U, Whelan C T, Walters
H R J,(1998), J Phys B,
Remark on the theory of 3 body effects in relativistic
(e,2e) processes,31, L873-L876.
- Rasch J, Whelan C T, Lucey S P, Dal Cappello C,
Walters H R J,(1998),
6 dimensional integrals and supercomputers, Computer
Physics Commun, 114, 378-384
- Whelan C T,(1999),Inner Shell Ionization
Processes , in K K Sud and B J Ahuja, edited
Advances in Atomic and Molecular Physics, Kluwer,
in press
- Keller S, Dreizler R M, Ancarani L U, Ast H,
Walters H R J and Whelan C T,(1999),
Interpretation of relativistic (e,2e) experiments in
coplanar asymmetric geometry: atomic number dependent
effects, Phys Rev A,59,1284-1290
- Essex D W and Whelan C T,(1999),Grazing angle
(e,2e) calculations for surface adsorbates,
Journal de Physique, IV, Pr 6,165-169.
- Whelan C T and Essex D W,(1999), Ionization theory
in the scanning transmission electron microscope
(STEM), Journal de Physique, IV, Pr 6,175-179
- Keller S, Ancarani L U, Ast H, Walters H R J and
Whelan C T,(1999),
Analysis of relativistic (e,2e) experiments in
coplanar asymmetric geometry,
Journal de Physique,IV,Pr 6, 215-218
- Ancarani L U, Ast H, Keller S, Dreizler R M,Whelan
C T and Walters H R J, (1999),
Analysis of semi-relativistic approximations for
relativistic (e,2e) experiments,
Journal de Physique, IV, Pr 6, 225-228
- Essex D W, Pyper N C and Whelan, C T, (1999),
Calculations of the He, 1s-2p energy shift observed
in STEM experiments on helium
bubbles in irradiated materials, in C Kiely edited,
Electron Microscopy
and Analysis, 1999, Institute of Physics Publishing,
Bristol, in press
- Marchalant P J, Rasch J, Whelan C T, Madison D H,
and Walters H R J,
(1999), First and second Born calculations of (e,2e)
of helium, J Phys B,in press
- Whelan C T,(1999), Recent advances in our
understanding of (e,2e) processes, in
Y. Itikawa, edited, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Photonic, Atomic, and Electronic and Collisions,
American Institute of Physics,
in press
- Pyper N C, Essex D W and Whelan C T, (1999),The
excitation energy for helium atoms in liquid helium,
solid helium and helium bubbles
in metals, Phil Mag B, submitted
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Walters H R J,(1999),
Experimental and theoretical determination of the
triple differential cross section for Kr(4p)electron impact ionization,
Phys Rev A,60,2977-2982
- Whelan C T,(1999), Towards an understanding of
fragmenation processes in atomic
collision, Science,in press
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Department of CHEMISTRY
- M.P. Chipperfield, Multiannual Simulations with a
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